Sunday, November 7, 2010

I'm Tired....

True story; I was watching the Mo'Nique Show on EBT (yes, dont correct me, EBT it is..) and Kelly Price was on, promoting 'Black Girls Rock' that will air on EBT (BET) 11/07 (more on that later...). She started to talk about losing her mother AND her mother in law in the same year to breast cancer (damn thats gotta be hard).  I could feel her pain, even Mo'Nique got teary eyed, (but she's an actress so who knows with her right? lol)
Anyways...Kelly Price decided to do a single off her upcoming album. Tired. sigh, just listen..


You can cop this on iTunes
#ThankMeLater :)

1 comment:

The Wickedest Time said...

lmao @ EBT! I never saw that particular episode of the interview but gosh that's sad.. im sorry for her loss.